Freelance Instructor di AME Art & Education Club

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    Diploma, Freelance, SarjanaDiploma, Freelance, Sarjana
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    521 – Lowongan kerja di AME Art & Education Club

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 Tentang Perusahaan

Ame Art and Education adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa pendidikan dan perdagangan. Kami banyak menangani sekolah-sekolah internasional yang tersebar di Indonesia yaitu Jakarta, Surabaya dan Denpasar. Kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan layanan terbaik dalam mengembangkan kreativitas anak bangsa di berbagai bidang.

Saat ini AME Art & Education Club sedang membuka kesempatan bagi para pencari kerja untuk bekerja bersama kami dengan posisi yang dibutuhkan sebagai Freelance Instructor

 Ringkasan Pekerjaan

Pendidikan :  Min D3
 Gender :  Laki-laki/Perempuan
 Umur :  18-35 Tahun
 Pengalaman :
 Status Kerja :  Freelance
 Salary    :  2,5-4,5 Juta
 Batas Apply   :  31 Januari 2023
Alamat  :   Denpasar, Jakarta Raya, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya

 Deskripsi & Kualifikasi

  • Age 18 – 35 years old
  • Loves children and can also interact with teenagers
  • Minimum education D3, N3 for teaching Japanese Language, TOPIK for teaching Korean Language
  • Active English (communicative)
  • Understand and have the ability in accordance with one or more of the chosen teaching areas above.
  • Ready to be placed for face-to-face learning in private and international schools, or private courses at students’ homes in their respective domicile areas
  • Have a great chance of teaching in famous International Schools
  • Established since 2015, AME Art & Education ( is a non-formal education institution with international standards, organizers of Extracurricular activities (after school activity), Private Lessons, Online Classes and Workshops which are reliable and trusted partners for many well-known private and international schools in large cities throughout Indonesia and abroad. AME Art and Education has a very wide reach and currently opens opportunities for young workers with special skills as AME Freelance Instructor for teaching in Extracurricular activities (after school activity) according to their own special skill set. Besides in schools instructors can also teach in Private Lessons, Workshop Classes, mainly offline (face to face) learning in their respective areas of domicile respectively. For you, gifted and competent ones, please apply to us by:

    1. Click the following link: and click ‘Apply Now’
    2. Fill in the form correctly
    3. Upload all the requirements and completeness
    4. Submit

Freelance Instructor

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Teaching in English and sometimes in Bahasa Indonesia, with the following teaching programs (you can choose one or more than one according to your ability):

  1. Animation Drawing (draw characters from animations, video games, comics, etc. manually)
  2. Digital Drawing (draw digitally with computer apps)
  3. Video Editing (edit video with video editing apps)
  4. Korean Language (written and spoken)
  5. Japanese Language (written and spoken)
  6. YouTube Creator (how to be a good You Tuber)
  7. E-sport Gaming (training students in E-sport)
  8. Art ‘n Craft (making crafts and various knicks-knacks from used materials)
  9. Fantasy Painting (Make paintings with various media, especially acrylic and watercolor)
  10. Cosplay Character Design (world of cosplay and costume making, especially armor and materials)
  11. Cosplay Performance (cosplay and cosplay performance, solo or group)
  12. Origami Art (complicated origami for older students and easier origami for younger ones)
  13. Still Life Drawing (still life, nature, and figure drawing)
  14. Mindfulness Colors (about colors and coloring medias)
  15. Graphic Design (mainly about making Visual Communication Designs)
  16. Music Production (about music production process like recording, mixing, etc.)
  17. Creative Content Writer (about writing, story or non story)
  18. Fashion Design (about fashion trends, drawing, patterns, materials, etc)
  19. Speech Master (public speaking for different purposes)
  20. Journalist Club (guidance and training for student journalists in school)

Placed for face-to-face learning in private and international schools, or private courses at the student’s home in their respective domicile or online teaching

Carry out simple administrative tasks such as students attendance lists and others.

AME Art & Education Club
Same as (Website / Social Media)
Job Location
Denpasar, Jakarta Raya, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya
Postal Code
Denpasar, Jakarta Raya, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya
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Job Meta
Employment Type
Valid Through
Perhatian – Dalam proses rekrutmen, perusahaan yang resmi tidak pernah menarik biaya dari kandidat. Jika ada perusahaan yang menarik biaya wawancara, tes, reservasi tiket, dsb lebih baik dihindari karena ada indikasi penipuan. Jangan mentransfer pembayaran apapun ketika melamar kerja.




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Freelance Instructor di AME Art & Education Club

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