Product Engineer – Software di Volantis Technology

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    433 – Lowongan Kerja Volantis Technology

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 Tentang Perusahaan

Volantis adalah platform untuk transformasi digital untuk perusahaan, startup dan pemerintah. Volantis menyediakan sistem informasi big data dan custom development untuk aplikasi berbasis data. Saat ini membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi sebagai Product Engineer & Software.

 Ringkasan Pekerjaan

Pendidikan :  S1
 Gender :  Laki-laki/Perempuan
 Umur :
 Pengalaman :  Min 1 Tahun
 Status Kerja :  Full Time
 Salary    :  Kompetitif
 Batas Apply   :  30 Januari 2023
Alamat  :  Jl. Kranji, Panggungsari No. 154 H RT. 08/ RW. 23, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, DIY – 55581

 Deskripsi & Kualifikasi

  • Bachelor degree in computer science, information technology or software engineering
  • 1+ year experience as a software engineer with a good sense of product development skills, or 1+ years experience with product development (software) with some technical software background
  • Able to work independently and as a team member
  • Able to work in fast paced startup environment
  • Willing to learn something new and taking necessary steps to increase skills
  • Have good integrity and a strong work ethic

Product Engineer - Software

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • A product engineer is responsible for the design and creation of products (Software).Duties include performing constant market analysis of competing products specifications (business and technical) to determine and establish customer needs and requirements.

The responsibilities including but not limited to :

  • Developing high-quality product business and technical requirements
  • Defining and communicating product strategy
  • Troubleshooting issues and improving product performance
  • Coordinating with the product development team, such as product owner, software engineer and UI/UX
  • Overseeing the product development process from the product inception through testing, deployment and bugs fixing
  • Analyzing market and industry trends and software engineering best practices

Volantis Technology
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Job Location
Jl. Kranji, Panggungsari No. 154 H RT. 08/ RW. 23, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, DIY
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Job Meta
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Perhatian – Dalam proses rekrutmen, perusahaan yang resmi tidak pernah menarik biaya dari kandidat. Jika ada perusahaan yang menarik biaya wawancara, tes, reservasi tiket, dsb lebih baik dihindari karena ada indikasi penipuan. Jangan mentransfer pembayaran apapun ketika melamar kerja.




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Product Engineer – Software di Volantis Technology

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